My Plot

Citizen Kale

Ahem. Testing. Testing. *taps microphone*….if there is anybody out there, Fiona is back. Repeat, Fiona is back. Return of the craic. I know my lovely readers will have been wailing, keening, sweating and puking with severe Fiona withdrawal symptoms of late. I know you have all been sitting at home, wondering where I’ve been; spending

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Face Planting

Right, I know it’s been quite a while since I last wrote a blog post, I would apologise but to be honest, I’ve actually been busy becoming a superstar so it was a worthwhile sacrifice. Lifestyles of the rich and famous, yo (I’ve also seemingly been initiated into a low-level street gang, yo). I’ve had

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Borage: Romantic wonder plant or the ultimate lethal weapon?

Valentine’s day is unavoidable. It really is. It’s everywhere. Cards. Chocolates. Cuddly Toys. Sexy undies. Sexy undies everywhere. Flowers. So many bunches of flowers. So many roses. So many sad, supermarket carnations. I have a bit of a pathetic secret, I’ve never been bought flowers by a man. Never. Not once. Which is a hell

Borage: Romantic wonder plant or the ultimate lethal weapon? Read More »


Happy New Year fellow growers! I’ve been slightly off the blogging radar for the past few weeks, mostly due the a little event that takes place around the end of December every year. I have a busy retail management job so Christmas is pretty much a black hole for me in terms of social life,

Planuary Read More »